A captivating venture unfolds in one of Riga’s most enchanting locales, nestled amidst parks, historic mansions, and a thriving infrastructure. This idyllic setting offers a panoramic vista of a serene lake, all within the heart of Latvia’s capital. Envisioned as a harmonious blend of timeless elegance and contemporary refinement, two seven-story building with up to 40 apartments each, ranging from 40m2 to 100m2.
The project has a very convenient Location.850 meters from the centre of Agenskals with its modernized market and easy access to key facilities and amenities, including schools, hospitals, parks, restaurants.3.5 km to the Centre of Riga with multiple transports available.
The planned courtyard adjacent to the building will have up to 43 trees, bicycle parking, a children’s playground, a shared waste container shelter. Up to 50 parking spaces are planned on the territory, including spaces for people with impairments. Additional 30 parking spaces are planned in the basements.
The construction of the projected buildings on the land plot is organized parallel to Gardenesstreet, creating a rhythmic composition with a group of landscaped open spaces. The aim of the project is to create a harmonious, modern residential development that is appropriate for the urban environment.
A lift for people with mobility impairments will be built for entering the building at the level of the first floor, and elevators will be provided for access to higher floors.
The project solutions have been developed to ensure that the building complies with the prescribed limits of building energy efficiency. The energy efficiency indicators of the building will be specified in the construction project design stage.
All the essential engineering networks will be provided from the city’s public networks. Additionally, the apartments will have full engineering infrastructure (ventilation, water supply, domestic sewage, heating, low-voltage networks, etc.). Considering the availability of modern resources and economic justification, great attention will be paid to the efficiency of the solutions.
Project amount 9.6 mil. EUR.